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Hiya! I am Ayodeji, a software developer, your friendly Neovim enjoyer and a software engineering student somewhere in England. I am constantly learning and very keen on crafting the type of software experience I'd like to use and you can fall in love with - performant, intuitive, real-time, local-first and out of your way. I am a big fan of statically-typed compiled languages, PHP and the BEAM but I frequently (have to) dabble in other things too. I write here from time to time and I also stream infrequently on Twitch.

Latest posts

Did you forget? Computers are fast.

It seems people have forgotten just how fast and powerful computers are and how much they keep evolving, let's remind ourselves.

No newline at the end of file

You ran `git status` and got this weird diff at the end that read "No newline at the end of file" and now the reviewer is telling you to fix it, let's take a closer look.

My Stack.

Things I use, will use and probably will continue to use.

A gleamy exploration

I found this new programming language with the soul of Erlang's fault-tolerant concurrent runtime and the body of the type-safe, fast & highly beloved Rust, you know I just had to try it out.

What about Reda?

So, let's talk about Reda...

Featured projects


A fast and lightweight static file server (and more in the future)


Generate Typescript types from Go types during runtime (previously known as Gots)


A minimal and fast PHP framework for the modern web


A demo JSON explorer in Gleam and HTMX


Vanity URL service for Go modules e.g.