
Published on May 20, 2022

I am still awake at 7 a.m. Why? We kept trying to make sure the emails we were going to send out this morning were perfect, and we also did some debugging for another project. This has been the pattern lately: not sleeping till it’s around 4 a.m., which is obviously unhealthy, but we try to balance it out (as if balance actually exists). Oh, and the “we” I keep mentioning includes @_frokes and me.

I had built the basic bulk email delivery system the day before, which we would use to send emails to everyone on the wait-list for the next few weeks until… I can’t give you a specific launch date because that would be a huge spoiler. But, so far, it’s working perfectly and sending emails at breakneck speed, just as we planned (yeah, I lied, we didn’t plan the speed, but it’s on localhost, so why not?). If your local server is significantly slow, you should examine your code more closely.

Today also feels like the most important day of the week; we had to make a key team-related choice that wasn’t easy, but I can’t reveal the details, sheesh! I can’t tell you lot of things right now, but let’s talk about my week.

Returning to the previous paragraph, I was working on something on the staging version of Frikax, and the average 3-ish second load time for the posts wasn’t good enough for me, so I basically tore down the infrastructure and rewrote it to achieve a speed of 110ms on average, which is still quite acceptable. I’m not exactly a “sucker” for perfection, especially since it’s an MVP, but the authentication still didn’t seem secure enough, so I rewrote it from the ground up on both sides. You’re probably sighing at this point, so let’s move on to today.

What do I have planned for today? A lot. Despite my apparent constant presence on Twitter and WhatsApp, I have a lot more work to accomplish than Frikax. So today I’ll be working on the new website for the temporary job I’m doing - I started it almost two weeks ago, although I did mess up my schedule, but who hasn’t?

That’ll probably do it for this piece; what’s the point of it all, you might wonder? This is a public compilation of my numerous ideas, thoughts, and so on, as I stated on the blog home page.

Okay, I’ll stop here, but tell me, what are your plans for today? I’ll get it if you mention/tag me in a tweet. Have a wonderful day, human!

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Disclaimer: This article represents my own opinions and experiences at the time of writing this article. These opinions may change over time and my experiences could be different from yours, if you find anything that is objectively incorrect or that you need to discuss further, please contact me via any of the links in the header section of this website's homepage.